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Notes on Hiking

Notes on Hiking
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Fire Department:Website

Know your own Limits
1.Plan a suitable route before the walk, and assess your physical capacity and health conditions, such as the presence of allergens, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases and other risk factors.
2.Adjust your pace and breathing at any time during the walk to maintain with a steady and practical pace.
3.Be especially cautious when passing through dangerous and steep sections of the trail, and follow the indicator system and do not approach the cliffs on your own to avoid danger.
4.Pay attention to where you enter the mountain, try to turn back when you get lost, or look for shelter to avoid physical exhaustion, use communication equipment to call for help, and wait for rescue.
5.In case of emergency or accident reporting, make use of a satellite locator and cell phone (satellite phone) or map to inform search and rescue personnel of the location of the trapped coordinates.
AED Rapid Rescue
The AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is a device that automatically detects the heart rhythm and pulse of a patient and delivers an electric shock to restore the heart to normal functioning. It is easy to operate, with a voice-over explaining how to use the machine and illustrations to assist, just like using a “dumb camera,” hence the name “defibrillator for dummies.”
In cases of sudden cardiac arrhythmia resulting in cardiac arrest, the success rate will be greatly increased if the rescue can be carried out immediately. Therefore, if a person suffers from sudden loss of consciousness or cardiac arrest while hiking, the use of AEDs can be a golden rescue time.
The Taipei City Government has installed AEDs at suitable locations along the hiking entrances of popular trails, and the locations are clearly marked, extending the scope of emergency care to the scene of the incident, creating a safer walking environment for the public.
Avoiding Bee Stings
1.Observe with caution:
If you see any bee activity in the vicinity, you should stop and observe with caution, and if you see a beehive, you should avoid it as much as possible.
2.Dress simple:
Avoid wearing brightly colored clothing, and do not use scented cosmetics or perfumes.
3. Refrain from provocation:
Don’t exert force or make large movements to wave away bees to reduce bee bites; and don’t provoke or kill bees hovering near your body to avoid swarm attacks.
4. Evasion and sheltering:
If attacked by a swarm of bees, stay calm and move slowly, avoid swatting or moving quickly. Your backpack and clothing are protective and should not be taken off. If you have a cover available, wrap it around your head and neck and other exposed areas of your body.
5. Carry medication:
Prepare medication for anaphylaxis shoch in your first aid kit.
6. Seek medical attention as soon as possible:
In case of poisoning or allergic reactions, seek medical attention immediately.
Avoiding Snake Bites
1. Retreat:
Stay away from snake habitats such as caves, swamps, rocky crevices, abandoned pits or buildings, etc. If unavoidable, you should enter in groups and move carefully.
2. Strike the grass to scare snakes.
Wear high-collared shoes when entering dense weeds and “strike the grass to scare the snakes”. Do not put your hands into hollowed out woods, caves or turn over rocks to avoid snake bites.
3. Avoid nighttime activities.
Reduce nighttime activities. Always wear hiking shoes or rain boots even for short distance movements near campgrounds or mountain lodges.
4. Refrain from provocation:
Don’t tease hibernating or dead snakes. Sometimes snakes that appear to be dead may bite due to residual reflexes.
5. Seek medical attention as soon as possible:
If you are bitten by a snake, be sure to stay calm, note the snake’s characteristics, keep the wound below the heart, and avoid sucking or cutting the wound to squeeze out the venom. Seek medical attention as soon as possible. The Ministry of Health and Welfare has set up emergency hospitals throughout Taiwan with a wide range of highly effective antivenom.
Be Kind to Nature
1. Thorough planning and preparation beforehand
Before entering the natural environment, collect relevant local information in advance and make thorough plans and preparations to avoid harm to yourself, others or the environment due to lack of understanding or preparation.
2. Walk and camp where you can tolerate it
When hiking or climbing, stay on designated trails and camping sites; do not take shortcuts and leave the lightest footprints possible.
3. Properly maintain the environment and dispose of trash
Carry only the appropriate amount of equipment and food and take out all items brought in.
4. Do not take any of the naturad resources and objects away
We are committed to maintaining the original appearance of the sites we visit, not altering the natural and human environment, and not taking any objects.
5. Reduce the impact of fire on the environment
Do not build fires if not needed and, if necessary, use the least environmentally harmful utensils for cooking or illumination.
6. Conserve the natural environment and wild animals and plants
Respect and do not affect their living habits, do not feed animals, and do not destroy any plants or trees.
7. Respect other forest users
Share the forest environment with others, respect the peace and tranquility that others need to be alone, and think carefully about the impact of your actions on the environment and others.
(Information provided by the Hiking and Mountaineering Association of the Republic of China)
Hiking Equipment
1. Hiking shoes:
Hiking shoes must be slip-resistant, waterproof and breathable. Choose a pair of hiking socks that fit the foot and protect the ankle and feet.
2. Backpack:
Choose a backpack with wide straps and a waist belt that can be adjusted to fit your back and reduce the burden on your shoulders.
3. Clothing:
Choose three-layered sweat-permeable clothing and sweat-permeable inner and outer garments, and wear a sun-protective, cold-proof hat to move around the mountain and the wilderness with ease.
4. Diet:
Depending on the length of the trip, bring enough water and food with high nutritional value and are non-perishable, and choose light, non-toxic containers to make the equipment lighter.
5. Rain gear:
A Two-piece raincoat is the best choice.
6. Others:
Topographic maps, compass, GPS, cell phone (fully charged and with proper power supply), whistle, gloves, headlamp, hiking stick, medicine and first aid, towel, toilet paper, etc. The above items are to be equipped depending on the length of the trip.